Thursday, March 27, 2008

Article Challenge #4

Learning Objective(s): After completing this challenge, you will be able to select a database (or database set) appropriate to your topic and effectively construct a search strategy using a keyword (or combination of keywords) to find an article on your topic.

Challenge: Work with a partner to complete the following:

1. Select one of the available topics and determine the keyword(s) you will type in the search box.

2. Navigate to a database set, choose database(s) to search and perform a search for a full-text, peer-reviewed article on that topic.

3. Examine your first page of results and refine your search, if necessary (hint: notice the yellow box on the left side of the blog - it contains terms you might use to focus or re-direct your search) Keep your results list window open - you will need to get back to it later

4. Click on "Post a Comment" and report the following:
Database searched, keyword(s) used, did you find a good full-text article? - why or why not? - review your process and try to determine what went wrong

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Technical Difficulties?

Are you having trouble viewing the tutorials? Can't see the images on the wiki pages and/or links? Use this forum to describe technical difficulties -- that is, problems with the technology -- you are having with this site or the wiki.

Monday, March 10, 2008

MMY Challenge #2

Learning Objective(s): After completing this challenge, students will be able to conduct a search in a database for an article that somehow uses a specific test or measurement as the study instrument.

Challenge: Navigate to one (or all) of the EBSCO databases recommended for education and psychology. Try to find an article that uses your test instrument in its methodology. (Remember to try the full instrument name as well as the acronym in your search!)

Answer this question as a comment added to this post.

MMY Challenge 1

Learning Objective(s): After completing this challenge, you will be able to effectively use the Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) through EBSCO Host to find a review of an assessment.

Challenge: Navigate to the EBSCO Host Mental Measurements Yearbook database and try to find your assigned test. Remember to try the full name, as well as the acronym, in your search. Answer the following questions as a comment to this blog post.

1. Did you find your test?
2. Did you find it using its full name or acronym?
3. In what volume of MMY is the review located?